Author: junis

My research projects are featured on White Paper on Education, Culture,Sports, Science and Technology 2020 published by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. 文部科学省が刊行する令和2年度 文部科学白書の第1部特集 - 特集3 研究力向上のための若手研究者への支援のコラムで紹介されました. 題目: "国際的に活躍するスーパーサイエンスハイスクール (SSH)卒業生"

My research projects are featured on Psychology World Vol.94 published by The Japanese Psychological Association. Article title: "Does changing bodies by wearable devices change our perspectives?" 日本心理学会が刊行する機関誌「心理学ワールド」94号HCI特集に寄稿しました. 題目: "ウェアラブル技術による身体変容は,他者に対する視点を変えるか?"

We held a student innovation challenge at IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021. Thank you all for your participation! The Student Innovation Challenge (SIC) invites students to use haptic technology in new, creative ways to solve real-world problems. For the first time this year, the 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) will be fully online, so the main challenge for student teams will be

We held the Augmented Humans (AHs) International Conference 2021 on 22-24 February 2021 (virtual conference). The conference talks are available on Youtube Channel.  Thank you for your submission and participation to Augmented Humans 2021!