Ph.D. in Human Informatics    |    Lab       CV    |    Google Scholar

I’m an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland, College ParkDepartment of Computer Science, leading the Embodied Dynamics Laboratory. Previously I was a postdoctoral fellow at Human Computer Integration Lab (Prof. Pedro Lopes) at the University of Chicago. I received my Ph.D. in Human Informatics at the University of Tsukuba, Japan in 2019.

I am interested in exploring interaction techniques where people can communicate their embodied experiences to support each other in the fields of rehabilitation, education, and design. To this end, I design wearable interfaces that share one’s embodied experiences across people by means of electrical muscle stimulation, exoskeletons, virtual/augmented reality systems, along with psychological knowledge. Received more than 40 awards including ACM UIST Best Paper Award, Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award, and Forbes 30 Under 30.

西田  惇

博士(人間情報学)    |    Lab       CV    |    Google Scholar

2019年 筑波大学 グローバル教育院(エンパワーメント情報学プログラム)修了、シカゴ大学 コンピュータサイエンス研究科 研究員を経て、現在メリーランド大学 コンピュータサイエンス研究科 アシスタント・プロフェッサー。身体性ダイナミクス研究室主宰者。

人が本来持つ物理的・認知的能力を最大限に活用しつつ、他者の身体的体験を自身で主体的に体験できる身体情報環境の構築を通して、リハビリテーションや教育、デザインにおける人々のコミュニケーションや学習、インタラクションを支援することを目指しています。これを実現するため、筋電気刺激や外骨格ロボット、AR/VRを用いた装着型身体機能共有デバイスの研究に取り組んでいます。加えて、身体機能・身体知覚の変容に伴うヒトの知覚(Perception)・行動(Action)・相互作用(Inter-action)の変化を計測・観察し、ヒトの身体認知特性の理解を試みます。主な受賞: ACM UIST Best Paper Award、Microsoft Research Asia フェローシップ賞、筑波大学長表彰(3回)、Forbes JAPAN 30 Under 30、IVRC2014総合優勝、米国特許協会賞ほか35賞。

西田  惇

博士(Human Informatics)    |    Lab       CV    |    Google Scholar

我現在在美國馬里蘭大學學院市分校的計算機科學 (Computer Science) 擔任助理教授。我於2019年獲得日本筑波大學 Human Informatics 博士學位,並曾在美國芝加哥大學Human Computer Integration實驗室 (由Prof. Pedro Lopes所指導) 擔任博士後研究員。

我的研究興趣與方向為最大化人類固有實際能力與認知能力,並將此技術應用在復健、教育和設計領域。我主要透過設計可穿戴界面,利用肌肉電極刺激、外骨骼、虛擬/增強現實系統並將其與心理知識背景結合來探討以及具現化不同族群人類的社會經驗。 截至目前,我已獲得了40多個相關學術獎項,包括ACM UIST最佳論文獎,微軟亞洲研究院院士獎,以及富比士30位30歲以下人士獎。

我曾在微軟亞洲研究院擔任博士生研究員,在Sony計算機科學實驗室擔任研究助理。我目前的研究經費來源主要為日本學術振興會(JSPS)和日本總務省的資助。我過去曾獲得微軟亞洲研究院、安捷倫科技公司(Agilent Technologies)、美國芝加哥大學和JSPS的獎學金。

Selected Papers

ACM CHI, UIST & Trans. (top HCI venues)


DexteriSync: A Hand Thermal I/O Exoskeleton for Morphing Finger Dexterity Experience

Ximing Shen, Youichi Kamiyama, Kouta Minamizawa, and Jun Nishida

ACM UIST 2024 | PDF | Video |

Morphing Identity: Exploring Self-Other Identity Continuum through Interpersonal Facial Morphing Experience

Kye Shimizu, Santa Naruse, Jun Nishida, and Shunichi Kasahara

ACM CHI 2023 | PDF | Video |

DigituSync: A Dual-User Passive Exoskeleton Glove That Adaptively Shares Hand Gestures

Jun Nishida, Yudai Tanaka, Romain Nith and Pedro Lopes

ACM UIST 2022 | PDF | Video |

Version 3

HandMorph: a Passive Exoskeleton that Miniaturizes Grasp

Jun Nishida, Soichiro Matsuda, Hiroshi Matsui, Shan-Yuan Teng, Ziwei Liu, Kenji Suzuki and Pedro Lopes

ACM UIST 2020 | PDF | Video | Best Paper Award |

Egocentric Smaller-person Experience by Changing a Visual Perspective

Jun Nishida, Soichiro Matsuda, Mika Oki, Hikaru Takatori, Kosuke Sato and Kenji Suzuki

ACM CHI 2019 | PDF | Video | Best Paper Honorable Mention Award |

bioSync: A Paired Wearable Device for Blending Kinesthetic Experience

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki

ACM CHI 2017 | PDF | Video | IEEE VR Best Demo Honorable Mention Award |


Whose touch is this?: Understanding the Agency Trade-off Between User-driven touch vs. Computer-driven Touch

Daisuke Tajima, Jun Nishida, Pedro Lopes, Shunichi Kasahara

ACM Transactions on CHI  | PDF |


Agency Drives Learning: Preserving Agency During Muscle Stimulation Speeds up Reaction Time

Shunichi Kasahara, Kazuma Takada, Jun Nishida, Kazuhisa Shibata, Shinsuke Shimojo, Pedro Lopes

ACM CHI 2021 | PDF | Video |

Preemptive Action: Accelerating Human Reaction using Electrical Muscle Stimulation Without Compromising Agency

Shunichi Kasahara, Jun Nishida, and Pedro Lopes

ACM CHI 2019 | PDF | Video | SIGGRAPH 2019 Etech Grand Prize |


Electrical Head Actuation: Allowing Interactive Systems to Directly Manipulate Head Orientation

Yudai Tanaka, Jun Nishida, Pedro Lopes

ACM CHI 2022 | PDF | Video | CHI People’s Choice Best Demo Award  |


Next Steps for Human-Computer Integration: Challenges and Opportunities

Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Pedro Lopes, Paul Strohmeier, Wendy Ju, Caitlyn Seim, Martin Weigel, Suranga Nanayakkara, Marianna Obrist, Zhuying Li, Joseph Delfa, Jun Nishida, Elizabeth M. Gerber, Dag Svanaes, Jonathan Grudin, Stefan Greuter, Kai Kunze, Thomas Erickson, Steven Greenspan, Masahiko Inami, Joe Marshall, Harald Reiterer, Katrin Wolf, Jochen Meyer, Thecla Schiphorst, Dakuo Wang, Pattie Maes.

ACM CHI 2019 | PDF |

Selected Awards


Guinness World Record  |  Guinness World Records Limited 2022


Best Demo Award  |  ACM CHI 2022


Best Paper Award  |  ACM UIST 2020


Best Paper Honourable Mention Award  |  ACM SIGCHI 2019

siggraph2019 copy

Laval Virtual Grand Prize  |  ACM SIGGRAPH 2019 Emerging Technologies


Honorable Mention Award  |  ACM UIST 2016 Student Innovation Contest


Honorable Mention for Best Research Demo  |  IEEE Virtual Reality 2016


Outstanding Postdoc Award  |  University of Chicago 2020


PhD Fellowship Award  |  Microsoft Research Asia 2016


Forbes 30 Under 30  |  Forbes Japan 2018


Microsoft Innovation Award  |  Microsoft 2016


American Intellectual Property Law Association Award  |  Intel International Science & Engineering Fair 2014


BS Fellowship Award  |  Agilent Technologies

Selected Coverage

[TV] Voice of America Russia  |  Jan. 2021

[Web] UChicago Magazine  |  Nov. 2020

[Web] hackster.io  |  Nov. 2020

[Web] Gizmode US  |  July. 2019

[Web] Gizmode Japan  |  July. 2019

[Web] IEEE Spectrum  |  July. 2019

[Web] Forbes Japan  |  Aug 2018

[Web] Co.Design, First Company  |   June 2017

[Magazine] IEEE Spectrum  |  May 2016

[TV] Radio-Television Slovenia, Slovenia  |  October 2015

[TV] M6 Métropole Télévision, France  |  April 2015

[TV] ABC News, USA  |  May 2010

[Magazine] nature Asia Pacific  |  Oct 2007

Research Experience


Assistant Professor

University of Maryland, College Park | Department of Computer Science | 2023-


Visiting Researcher

Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.  | Dr. Shunichi Kasahara | 2022 – 2023


Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Chicago | Assistant Professor Pedro Lopes | 2019 – 2022


Research Fellow

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) | 2019 – 2021 (PDRA) | 2016 – 2019 (DC1)


Project Researcher

Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, SCOPE Innovation Program | 2017 – 2018


PhD Fellow

Microsoft Research Asia | Beijing, China | 2016 – 2017


PhD Student

University of Tsukuba | Center for Cybernics Research | Prof. Kenji Suzuki | 2014 – 2019

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