Student Innovation Challenge Co-Chair at IEEE WHC 2021
We held a student innovation challenge at IEEE World Haptics Conference 2021. Thank you all for your participation!
The Student Innovation Challenge (SIC) invites students to use haptic technology in new, creative ways to solve real-world problems. For the first time this year, the 2021 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) will be fully online, so the main challenge for student teams will be to propose a replicable project. Teams will work on designing and producing vibrotactile feedback with an open-source and self-contained kit driven by embedded multi-channel audio signal processing. Applications are varied: accessibility, education, entertainment, environmental technology, or other ideas altogether are all possibilities.
Student Innovation Challenge Co-Chairs
Christian Frisson – McGill University, Canada
Heather Culbertson – University of Southern California, USA
Jun Nishida – University of Chicago, USA
Link to IEEE WHC 2021 SIC