Our project has been accepted to SIGGRAPH 2017 Emerging Technologies
Our project “Wired Muscle” has been accepted to SIGGRAPH 2017 Emerging Technologies, which will be held in Los Angels, USA during Jul. 30 – Aug. 3.
This work has been done in a cooperation with Dr. Shunichi Kasahara, a researcher at Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
Jun Nishida*, Shunichi Kasahara*, and Kenji Suzuki. 2017. Wired Muscle: Generating Faster Kinesthetic Reaction by Inter-personally Connecting Muscles. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’17 Emerging Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 30 – August 03, 2017, 2 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3084822.3084844
* The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
Sony CSL | https://www.sonycsl.co.jp/member/tokyo/198/
SIGGRAPH 2017 | http://s2017.siggraph.org/content/emerging-technologies