
Changing a Kinesthetic Perspective into that of a Patient

Have you ever thought about what eating is like for neuromuscular patients ? Or what walking is like for stroke patients ?
No one can truly understand how ordinary life will be affected but patients themselves. To enable healthy people to recognize these social and embodied gaps in daily life, we developed kinesthetic synchronization that allows to share physical conditions including Parkinson’s symptoms from the patients by connecting muscle activity.

Synchronous Kinesthetic Interaction

Sharing muscle activity by jacking into / being jacked by another person
This research presents synchronous kinesthetic interaction among people. The users are able to perceive muscle activity bi-directionally, such as muscle contraction or rigidity of joints, through somatosensory channels in a realistic manner. We have developed a wearable haptic I/O device, named bioSync, that equips a developed electrode system for enabling the same electrodes to perform biosignal measurement and stimulation.

Product Designing with Embodied Impairment Experience
We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the optimal forms of a feeding spoon for people with neuromuscular disorders by reproducing muscle tremors in healthy people. Potential scenarios for achieving interactive rehabilitations and sports training are also described. It is essential for both the trainers and the learners to perceive not only the physical bodily motions but also the muscle activity.



Jun Nishida, Keisuke Yagi, Modar Hassan and Kenji Suzuki. 2019. “Wearable Kinesthetic I/O Device for Sharing Wrist Joint Stiffness,” IEEE EMBC 2019 Full Papers

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “Wearable Kinesthetic I/O Device for Sharing Muscle Compliance”, ACM UIST Poster, Germany, Oct. 14-17, 2018 (PDF)

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: A Paired Wearable Device for Blending Kinesthetic Experience”, ACM SIGCHI Papers, USA, May. 6-11, 2017 (PDF)

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: A Paired Wearable Device for Blending Kinesthetic Experience”, ACM SIGCHI Interactivity (Invited/Companion Demo), USA, May. 6-11, 2017

Robb Mitchell, Jun Nishida, Enrique Encinas and Shunichi Kasahara, “We-Coupling! Designing New Forms of Embodied Interpersonal Connection”, ACM TEI Studio, 2017

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: Synchronous Kinesthetic Experience among People”, ACM UIST Student Innovation Contest, Tokyo, Oct. 16-19, 2016 * Honorable Mention Award

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “Wearable Devices for Augmenting Embodied and Social Experience”, ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract, USA, May. 7-12, 2016

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: Synchronous Kinesthetic Experience among People”, ACM SIGCHI Extended Abstract, USA, May. 7-12, 2016 (PDF)

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: Synchronize Kinesthetic Experience among People”, Laval Virtual Awards, France, Mar. 23-27, 2016

* Laval Virtual Award: Environment & Health, 18th International Conference and Exhibition of Virtual Technologies and Uses, March 2016

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: Wearable Haptic I/O Device for Synchronous Kinesthetic Interaction”, IEEE VR Research Demos, USA, Mar. 19-23, 2016

* Honorable Mention for Best Research Demo

Jun Nishida and Kenji Suzuki, “bioSync: Wearable Haptic I/O Device for Synchronous Kinesthetic Interaction”, IEEE VR Poster, USA, Mar. 19-23, 2016 (PDF

Jun Nishida, Kanako Takahashi and Kenji Suzuki, “A Wearable Stimulation Device for Sharing and Augmenting Kinesthetic Feedback”, Augmented Human, Singapore, Mar. 9-11, 2015 (PDF)

西田惇, 鈴木 健嗣, “bioSync: 人々の運動覚体験を融合するウェアラブルデバイス”, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌「つなぐ技術(人・モノ・社会)」特集, Vol.22, No.1, 2017 (PDF

西田  ,西村  渉, “bioSync: 身体接続技術に基づく新しいインタラクション”, GUGEN2016, Dec. 17, 2016 * 大賞

西田惇,西村渉,”bioSync: 身体接続技術に基づく新しい身体間体験”,アート&テクノロジー東北,岩手,July 2, 2016* 優秀賞

西田惇,”bioSync: 身体ハッキングに基づく次世代リハビリテーションの開発”, Microsoft de:code, 東京, May 24-25, 2016

西田惇,”bioSync: 身体ハッキングに基づく次世代リハビリテーションの開発”, Microsoft Innovation Award, 東京, April 23, 2016 * 最優秀賞,日本航空アントプレプレナー賞

西田惇,鈴木健嗣,”Sync: 運動覚同調インタラクションの提案と装着型運動覚入出力デバイスの開発”,インタラクション2016(プレミアム発表枠), ポスター, 東京, 2016 (PDF) *インタラクティブ発表賞(PC推薦), Information Processing Society of Japan Interaction, March 2016

西田惇,鈴木健嗣,”生体電位計測に基づく筋刺激を用いた装着型運動覚共有デバイス”, 第20回日本VR学会, 口頭, 東京, 2015

西田惇,鈴木健嗣,”生体電位計測に基づく筋刺激を用いた装着型運動覚共有デバイス”, 第20回日本VR学会, ポスター, 東京, 201
